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growth across GCR
the allure of Gauteng
considering it home
domestic tourism


The 21st century was a turning point in history, as more people now live in cities than in rural areas.

The GCR has been shaped by in-migration – from the initial gold rush to its present position as Africa’s economic hub – and has a number of advantages over other parts of the country. There is a widespread perception that better work and education opportunities are available here. In comparative perspective, the Gauteng city-region seems to offer higher levels of access to good housing and essential household infrastructures, greater proximity to urban amenities, and generally better standards of living. 

As such, it is an ever-growing pole of attraction for migrants from South Africa’s rural areas and other urban centres, as well as immigrants from the continent. Although migration presents a challenge to government to cater for the growing influx of households, the entrance of newcomers also gives it an increasingly afropolitan character and vibrant social and economic life. This in turn adds continuously to its dynamism and attractiveness to opportunity seekers.

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