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decent work
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decent work who?

The GCRO cross-tabulated its Decent Work Index against a number of factors, including what work the respondent is in, race, age and education.

The analysis found that 92% of respondents employed in mining were in medium or high decent work, reflecting the historical power of union organising. The financial sector, government and electricity/gas/water also performed reasonably well, though with growing numbers in the low category. Indeed, government needs to clean up its own house: 16% of those working in the public sector were in ‘indecent’ work.

At the other end of the scale, domestic work (‘private household’) remains a real concern with 85% of respondents in the bottom category. A considerable number of respondents in agriculture and forestry (69%), wholesale and retail trade (62%), construction (63%) and community, social and personal services sectors (62%) fell into the lowest category of decent work.
percentage of workers with low, medium and high decent work in each economic sector

GCRO (2009) ‘Quality of Life’ survey