growth across GCR
the allure of Gauteng
considering it home
domestic tourism
considering it home

do people who migrate to the city-region consider it home?

According to the GCRO’s 2009 ‘Quality of Life' survey, 20% of respondents were not living in the same dwelling five years ago:

  • 9.3% (542) moved into Gauteng within the past five years, with the majority moving from Limpopo (22%), KwaZulu-Natal (13%) and the Eastern Cape (11%). A quarter of the in-migration (25%) occurred from countries outside of South Africa. The majority moved into Johannesburg (37%), followed by Tshwane and Ekurhuleni (both at 23%). The immigrants were mostly in the young age group of 18-35 (79%), with the largest migration occurring in 2007 (29%), as economic conditions worsened in South Africa and globally.
  • Almost 11% of respondents to the ‘Quality of Life' survey moved within Gauteng in the past five years, with most of the movement occurring within and between the main metros of Johannesburg, Tshwane and Ekurhuleni, highlighting the fact that these metros are the hub of the GCR economy and labour force.

As Gauteng is a city-region of constantly evolving population and in-migration, the question may be asked – who considers Gauteng to be home?

GCRO (2009) 'Quality of Life' survey

However, the idea of Gauteng as a temporary place of residence to earn an income before returning home is indicated by the fact that only 71% of the ‘Quality of Life' survey respondents’ families live in Gauteng.